Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Summer! Well it looks as though summer is finally here in Michigan. We went from temp's in the 50's to temp's in the 90's in the past two weeks! Yuck! But stick around five minutes and it's sure to change. (G)

My writing has gotten off to a slow start this month. Last Sunday my hard drive crashed and burned, taking with it literally over 100 of my document's, jpgs, pdf's, personal photos and items I can't replace no matter how hard I try. So take warning, back everything up! I hadn't done a back-up in about 6-8 months and really hurt myself with the loss. So learn from a dummy, BACK EVERYTHING UP! I had to learn this the hard way, and to top it all off my computer will be in the shop two weeks getting the hard drive replaced. (Insert big sigh here) But my daughter and her fiancee were kind enough to loan me their pc in the interim. So I'm now saving everything on my jump drives, burning things to cd and generally being smart (G)

But I will persevere. Next month I am off to RWA National to reconnect with authors I haven't seen in a few years, pitch to an agent and an editor, present awards at the Booksellers Best Award Ceremony, and sit in on fabulous workshops to get my creative muse up and running at full speed.

And in the next week or two I hope to hear a release date for The Laird's Lady from The Wild Rose Press. This book was truly a book of my heart to write and one I hope you will all enjoy. You can read an excerpt for this one and all my books on my website. For right now, if you'd like a great read with a fabulous sea captain hero, please check out The Captain's Wench from Devine Destinies. You can learn more about it and even read an excerpt on my web page at

Ahoy maties, till next time!