Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring has sprung!

PS Not the view outside my window, this is of St, Thomas in the Virgin Islands. One of my favorite places.

Outside my window it looks like Spring has finally come to Michigan. And with it the robins, the starlings, the rabbits and the skunks. Yup, every year we get the rabbits setting up shop under the deck, and the occasional skunk who would like to rid them of their home. My vote is for the rabbits.

Hard to believe it’s almost April. Where has the time gone? For me, it’s been spent writing, writing and more writing. And I am loving every minute of it. But I did meander through the local bookstore on Friday and spent a little money helping our economy. It is so hard to go into the bookstore and not find a half a dozen or so titles I want to bring home. But I was a good girl this time. I only bought one book.

Lately I have found my reading to be so diversified. I’ve been reading every Silhouette Desire I can get my hands on, as well as books on astrological signs for my upcoming novella series that debuts August 1st, The Zodiac Club. And my friend Stephani loaned me a copy of Stolen Innocence, growing up in a polygamous sect, becoming a teenage bride, and breaking free of Warren Jeffs. So I’m all over the place this month with my reading. And sad to say but I am also looking forward to reading Brett Michaels autobiography. Oh yeah and the next Jude Deveraux release as well.

What about you? What’s on your to be read list? Hopefully my books. (G) But if not, that’s okay too. There are so many excellent authors out there to choose from. You can go broke just trying.

I’m looking forward to breaking out the lawn chairs, and sitting on the deck while the sun shines (it will do that in Michigan eventually) and reading. That’s my favorite thing to do next to having a ton of friends over for a bbq. Then we all sit around and discuss what we’re reading, writing and doing.

But until that time, all I can do is dream of warm days, cold drinks and beautiful sunny skies. Till next time, Patti