Well, it’s just a little over a day before Xmas and I can safely say all my shopping is done, my wrapping done and my presents to the family are under the tree. That leaves just the big family meal on Thursday. Tomorrow is crunch day. I’ll make stuffing, bake pies, and get my game plan ready right down to the tiniest detail. I even have the ingredients all set aside for gorilla bread on Christmas morning once we open presents.
This year is a tad bittersweet. My 23 yr. old son is home on leave from the Army. As soon as he goes back January 3rd, they will start Deployment Training. He is headed to Iraq in June 2009 unless they are pulled for Afghanistan earlier. Trust me; this is not something a mother wants to hear right before the holidays. But I have known about it since August and it doesn’t make it any easier. My hat and heart go out to all the families with children in the military. My son hasn’t even left yet and I’m a basket case. I know he can’t come back home before then, and I hope I am going to be able to get to his base before he deploys to say goodbye.
Where did my little boy go? My youngest that had the sweetest brown eyes, brown hair and the most adorable belly laugh. The eyes are still brown, the hair has been shaved per to military regulations, and the laugh is more mature. Now instead of mothers say what an adorable boy he is, its teenage girls and older admiring his ‘baby browns.” (G) And that’s the last thing a mother wants to know. What can I say, he’s my baby boy!
So, this year we’ll celebrate and rejoice that the immediate family is all together. My 25 yr. old daughter lives less than 20 miles away and she will be here with her fiancĂ© to celebrate. The rest of the family will be over in the afternoon, though there really aren’t too many left. My grandparents are in their late 80’s, my mother and stepfather don’t drive down from northern Michigan because of weather and other issues, my sister and her family live on the other side of town and have their own traditions to deal with. But we will see my aunt and uncle who live about 15 minutes away and they will bring my grandparents along with them for the afternoon. So with limited relatives to celebrate, this means more turkey leftovers for me.
I envy those with big boisterous families and wish mine were more like that. But we can’t always have what we wish for. Yet there are things we can wish for and receive. A son proud to serve his country in what ever way they need him. A daughter still willing to go out with her parents and laugh hysterically as they make fools of themselves. A husband willing to put up with his wife’s ‘menopause mood swings” and a wife wiling to put up with the every Sunday and all the time sports habit of her husband. (Hubby, son, daughter, future son-in-law are out tonight watching the Detroit Pistons as I type this.)
So to each and every one of you out there, enjoy your family, enjoy your holiday meal and most of all, Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
After Thanksgiving Turkey Talk
Hey everyone, I hope you had a fantastic holiday with your loved ones and ate tons of turkey! I know I did.
I’m not the speediest at updating my blog but that is going to change right now. It’s high time I kept you all in the know on me, my writing life, my writing friends and more. In the coming months you’ll see guest bloggers, links to writing related sites and other writers, and info to keep you in the know.
I am ending this month with a promise to do just that. As such I’ve included a few sites that are near and dear to me. First and foremost, the Greater Detroit RWA website www.gdrwa.org . This is my home RWA chapter. And I am now in my final year as President. I have been on the board for a total of 11 years, not all in a row though. Egads!! This will also be my final year as the Booksellers Best Award Chair. While I love both the chapter and the contest we sponsor for published authors, it’s time for me to take a backseat and heckle the new board from the crowd (G) and turn the reins over to another competent chapter member for the BBA. But don’t worry; neither event will take place till September of 2009.
Another link that is very near and dear to my heart is this one - http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/tpc/ERA_112908_ARS Once there, I also click on the other tabs and do the click through to give free food, mammograms, books, whatever is there I'll click on it.
And of course you can’t forget this holiday timewaster. (G) http://www.elfmovie.com/snowball-fight.html I know I have spent more than my fair share of time on this one. I have made it to Level 3, but only twice. (G)
Ok, ok, I get the message. What about the other important sites out there? I frequent all my favorite writer’s sites, I frequent the agent’s websites and I also pop in and out at the publisher sites as well. But in the past month this is where I’ve been checking things out.
www.eharlequin.com For news on Harlequin and Silhouette books
www.stephanihecht.com A GDRWA author and friend
www.michellecelmer.com A GDRWA author and friend
www.lucymonroe.com Lucy spoke at our GDRWA chapter in Sept 08
www.lucygordon.com I am a big fan of Lucy’s Harlequin Presents
www.thewildrosepress.com This is my publisher’s website
www.devinedestinies.com This is also my publisher’s website.
http://www.bradfordlit.com/ Agent website
http://www.threeseaslit.com/ Agent website
www.evangelinecollins.com A new and upcoming author
www.brendanovak.com Love the auction Brenda runs in the spring each year
www.starrambrose.com A dear friend with her debut release out now Lie To Me
I could list hundreds more for you to explore, but I also know that you all have favorite sites of your own that you visit on a regular basis. Drop me a note and let me know what they are. Sharing is a good thing.
Well, to all my near and dear writing friends out there, I’m off to write. Playing is fun but it doesn’t pay the bills. At least I haven’t found a way for it to do so. Take care everyone.
I’m not the speediest at updating my blog but that is going to change right now. It’s high time I kept you all in the know on me, my writing life, my writing friends and more. In the coming months you’ll see guest bloggers, links to writing related sites and other writers, and info to keep you in the know.
I am ending this month with a promise to do just that. As such I’ve included a few sites that are near and dear to me. First and foremost, the Greater Detroit RWA website www.gdrwa.org . This is my home RWA chapter. And I am now in my final year as President. I have been on the board for a total of 11 years, not all in a row though. Egads!! This will also be my final year as the Booksellers Best Award Chair. While I love both the chapter and the contest we sponsor for published authors, it’s time for me to take a backseat and heckle the new board from the crowd (G) and turn the reins over to another competent chapter member for the BBA. But don’t worry; neither event will take place till September of 2009.
Another link that is very near and dear to my heart is this one - http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/tpc/ERA_112908_ARS Once there, I also click on the other tabs and do the click through to give free food, mammograms, books, whatever is there I'll click on it.
And of course you can’t forget this holiday timewaster. (G) http://www.elfmovie.com/snowball-fight.html I know I have spent more than my fair share of time on this one. I have made it to Level 3, but only twice. (G)
Ok, ok, I get the message. What about the other important sites out there? I frequent all my favorite writer’s sites, I frequent the agent’s websites and I also pop in and out at the publisher sites as well. But in the past month this is where I’ve been checking things out.
www.eharlequin.com For news on Harlequin and Silhouette books
www.stephanihecht.com A GDRWA author and friend
www.michellecelmer.com A GDRWA author and friend
www.lucymonroe.com Lucy spoke at our GDRWA chapter in Sept 08
www.lucygordon.com I am a big fan of Lucy’s Harlequin Presents
www.thewildrosepress.com This is my publisher’s website
www.devinedestinies.com This is also my publisher’s website.
http://www.bradfordlit.com/ Agent website
http://www.threeseaslit.com/ Agent website
www.evangelinecollins.com A new and upcoming author
www.brendanovak.com Love the auction Brenda runs in the spring each year
www.starrambrose.com A dear friend with her debut release out now Lie To Me
I could list hundreds more for you to explore, but I also know that you all have favorite sites of your own that you visit on a regular basis. Drop me a note and let me know what they are. Sharing is a good thing.
Well, to all my near and dear writing friends out there, I’m off to write. Playing is fun but it doesn’t pay the bills. At least I haven’t found a way for it to do so. Take care everyone.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The above title says it all. Webster's Dictionary defines procrastination as to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.
Me, I define it as what I do when I want to be doing anything other than writing. Laundry, scrubbing toiles, sorting through old papers. You name it, I'll find an excuse to do it and not write. (G)
Well, that was me today to a tee! Actually, it was only the morning that I was avoiding writing. Once a year our small town puts on the Taste of Clarkston. This is when all the local businesses and restaurants get together and have a street fair. You buy a book of ten for $10.00 and sample food from the restaurants. I plunked down my $10.00, got my ten tickets and off I went.
Now, I was not alone in this adventure. Along for the sampling was my friend Stephani, her 7 yr old daughter Joie, her 15 yr old son Cody, my 25 yr old daughter Amanda, and her 24 yr old fiance James. We ate our way up and down the street, heard the band play, admired all the dogs on leashes and then we spotted it. The spray paint your hair booth. Yup, a salon was spray painting streaks in your hair for free. Joie was the first to get colored. She chose red, purple, blue, and pink. Then I figured what the heck - so I asked the gal for just one nice chunk streak in my bangs. Low and behold minutes later, I was green, burgundy, purple and glittered. My daughter was loving this and then she ended up getting hot pink highlights! We had a blast. And no you will not be seeing a picture of this on my blog anytime soon (G).
Ok, this is what I mean, procratsion at its finest!!! I came home with good intentions of writing and found myself doing everything possible to avoid the keyboard today. I cooked, I cleaned, I talked on the phone, you name it. But while I was doing all this I also realized that I was talking aloud to myself and working my way through snags in my current work in progress. It's funny because at times like this I have been known to write my best pages, spill out serious angst and heart wrenching emotional pages that might not have been drawn from me otherwise.
I am also very good at walking away from the computer and picking up the trusty old pen and paper to write. I really enjoy putting the words on paper and crossing things off and rewriting and seeing it happen before my eyes. In fact, that's how I am writing my blog. It is all down on paper before me - bright neon green and orange recycled pieces of paper. Just like my highlights!
While I was bad for the first half of today, I am now being good and catching up on my pages for the day. So far, I'm at 4 and counting. Oh yeah and I made homemade mac and cheese for dinner too. (G)
Thanks for listening, I'm off to write.
Me, I define it as what I do when I want to be doing anything other than writing. Laundry, scrubbing toiles, sorting through old papers. You name it, I'll find an excuse to do it and not write. (G)
Well, that was me today to a tee! Actually, it was only the morning that I was avoiding writing. Once a year our small town puts on the Taste of Clarkston. This is when all the local businesses and restaurants get together and have a street fair. You buy a book of ten for $10.00 and sample food from the restaurants. I plunked down my $10.00, got my ten tickets and off I went.
Now, I was not alone in this adventure. Along for the sampling was my friend Stephani, her 7 yr old daughter Joie, her 15 yr old son Cody, my 25 yr old daughter Amanda, and her 24 yr old fiance James. We ate our way up and down the street, heard the band play, admired all the dogs on leashes and then we spotted it. The spray paint your hair booth. Yup, a salon was spray painting streaks in your hair for free. Joie was the first to get colored. She chose red, purple, blue, and pink. Then I figured what the heck - so I asked the gal for just one nice chunk streak in my bangs. Low and behold minutes later, I was green, burgundy, purple and glittered. My daughter was loving this and then she ended up getting hot pink highlights! We had a blast. And no you will not be seeing a picture of this on my blog anytime soon (G).
Ok, this is what I mean, procratsion at its finest!!! I came home with good intentions of writing and found myself doing everything possible to avoid the keyboard today. I cooked, I cleaned, I talked on the phone, you name it. But while I was doing all this I also realized that I was talking aloud to myself and working my way through snags in my current work in progress. It's funny because at times like this I have been known to write my best pages, spill out serious angst and heart wrenching emotional pages that might not have been drawn from me otherwise.
I am also very good at walking away from the computer and picking up the trusty old pen and paper to write. I really enjoy putting the words on paper and crossing things off and rewriting and seeing it happen before my eyes. In fact, that's how I am writing my blog. It is all down on paper before me - bright neon green and orange recycled pieces of paper. Just like my highlights!
While I was bad for the first half of today, I am now being good and catching up on my pages for the day. So far, I'm at 4 and counting. Oh yeah and I made homemade mac and cheese for dinner too. (G)
Thanks for listening, I'm off to write.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dog Days of Summer
Well, I don't know if it's true or not, but these are definitely the dog days of summer. At least to me, that is. While I enjoy summer, I don't enjoy temps in the high 80's and low 90's. But I should be thankful we have sunshine at all. We have also had a lot of rain here in Michigan.
I hope you are all having a fabulous summer, enjoying time with friends and family, vacations and weekend trips. Anything that involves rest and relaxation.
I just got back from five glorious days in San Francisco at the Romance Writers of America National Conference. What a beautiful city! Did some sightseeing which included Alcatraz, Angel Island and the sea lions at Fisherman's Wharf. Also shared good meals and great company with other authors that I only see once a year.
Over the coming weeks, I will be sharing some of what I learned at conference. And of course I'll be busy getting my own projects ready for submission to editors and agents. The Greater Detroit Chapter held their own award ceremony for the Booksellers Best Award. We were up again some stiff competition on Thursday night as some of the publishers held their own parties, and other chapter functions were going on as well. But it was great to meet, greet, and present some of our winners with their BBA pins and posters. You can see the complete list of winners and the poster at the www.gdrwa.org website under Contests.
More later, I'm off to finish chores. The mower is calling and I offered (silly girl) to help out with the yardwork this week since hubby is working 7 days straight! Keep those fingers flying, Patti
I hope you are all having a fabulous summer, enjoying time with friends and family, vacations and weekend trips. Anything that involves rest and relaxation.
I just got back from five glorious days in San Francisco at the Romance Writers of America National Conference. What a beautiful city! Did some sightseeing which included Alcatraz, Angel Island and the sea lions at Fisherman's Wharf. Also shared good meals and great company with other authors that I only see once a year.
Over the coming weeks, I will be sharing some of what I learned at conference. And of course I'll be busy getting my own projects ready for submission to editors and agents. The Greater Detroit Chapter held their own award ceremony for the Booksellers Best Award. We were up again some stiff competition on Thursday night as some of the publishers held their own parties, and other chapter functions were going on as well. But it was great to meet, greet, and present some of our winners with their BBA pins and posters. You can see the complete list of winners and the poster at the www.gdrwa.org website under Contests.
More later, I'm off to finish chores. The mower is calling and I offered (silly girl) to help out with the yardwork this week since hubby is working 7 days straight! Keep those fingers flying, Patti
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Happy Summer! Well it looks as though summer is finally here in Michigan. We went from temp's in the 50's to temp's in the 90's in the past two weeks! Yuck! But stick around five minutes and it's sure to change. (G)
My writing has gotten off to a slow start this month. Last Sunday my hard drive crashed and burned, taking with it literally over 100 of my document's, jpgs, pdf's, personal photos and items I can't replace no matter how hard I try. So take warning, back everything up! I hadn't done a back-up in about 6-8 months and really hurt myself with the loss. So learn from a dummy, BACK EVERYTHING UP! I had to learn this the hard way, and to top it all off my computer will be in the shop two weeks getting the hard drive replaced. (Insert big sigh here) But my daughter and her fiancee were kind enough to loan me their pc in the interim. So I'm now saving everything on my jump drives, burning things to cd and generally being smart (G)
But I will persevere. Next month I am off to RWA National to reconnect with authors I haven't seen in a few years, pitch to an agent and an editor, present awards at the Booksellers Best Award Ceremony, and sit in on fabulous workshops to get my creative muse up and running at full speed.
And in the next week or two I hope to hear a release date for The Laird's Lady from The Wild Rose Press. This book was truly a book of my heart to write and one I hope you will all enjoy. You can read an excerpt for this one and all my books on my website. For right now, if you'd like a great read with a fabulous sea captain hero, please check out The Captain's Wench from Devine Destinies. You can learn more about it and even read an excerpt on my web page at www.pattishenberger.com
Ahoy maties, till next time!
My writing has gotten off to a slow start this month. Last Sunday my hard drive crashed and burned, taking with it literally over 100 of my document's, jpgs, pdf's, personal photos and items I can't replace no matter how hard I try. So take warning, back everything up! I hadn't done a back-up in about 6-8 months and really hurt myself with the loss. So learn from a dummy, BACK EVERYTHING UP! I had to learn this the hard way, and to top it all off my computer will be in the shop two weeks getting the hard drive replaced. (Insert big sigh here) But my daughter and her fiancee were kind enough to loan me their pc in the interim. So I'm now saving everything on my jump drives, burning things to cd and generally being smart (G)
But I will persevere. Next month I am off to RWA National to reconnect with authors I haven't seen in a few years, pitch to an agent and an editor, present awards at the Booksellers Best Award Ceremony, and sit in on fabulous workshops to get my creative muse up and running at full speed.
And in the next week or two I hope to hear a release date for The Laird's Lady from The Wild Rose Press. This book was truly a book of my heart to write and one I hope you will all enjoy. You can read an excerpt for this one and all my books on my website. For right now, if you'd like a great read with a fabulous sea captain hero, please check out The Captain's Wench from Devine Destinies. You can learn more about it and even read an excerpt on my web page at www.pattishenberger.com
Ahoy maties, till next time!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Almost Summer!
Well, Spring has sprung and it is looking green outside my window. Too bad Michigan is still in the 50's and 60's. Wish it were warmer, but hey, wait five minutes and the temperature will change! Seems to be an unwritten rule here.
I am excited to announce the release of The Captain's Wench (think The Ghost and Mrs. Muir contemporary and spicier) on Mother's Day, May 12th from Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books. You can check it out on my Bookshelf page, as well as the book trailer done by my webmistress! It's fabulous!!!
I just finished the final galleys on my as yet unreleased Scottish castle paranormal complete with a smelly canine and a totally handsome ghost entitled The Laird's Lady, from The Wild Rose Press. As soon as I know a date, you will to, I promise! Who can resist a handsome Laird just waiting to claim his Lady???? Not me, and I bet you can't either.
On a personal note, my son is home on leave from the Army and I am very happy to have him here, even if it is only for 13 days! I'll take it. He deploys May 30th to his next post where he will stay until his unit is sent overseas.
This past weekend my family and I participated in the One Year Survivor Walk for the Cancer Society as I am just that. A one year survivor of colon cancer. The teams that walked (Relay for Life) raised money for a very worthy cause and deserve a huge round of kudos for all they do. I know I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the support of my family, my friends, and my doctors and nurses. All had a hand in keeping me moving forward last year when I was too tired to go on.
But let's not get maudlin, it's time for celebration. For all of you writers out there, keep the fingers flying on the keyboards and for all you readers, go check out my Bookshelf. Lots of good reading there to keep you busy.
Take care all. Happy May! Patti
I am excited to announce the release of The Captain's Wench (think The Ghost and Mrs. Muir contemporary and spicier) on Mother's Day, May 12th from Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books. You can check it out on my Bookshelf page, as well as the book trailer done by my webmistress! It's fabulous!!!
I just finished the final galleys on my as yet unreleased Scottish castle paranormal complete with a smelly canine and a totally handsome ghost entitled The Laird's Lady, from The Wild Rose Press. As soon as I know a date, you will to, I promise! Who can resist a handsome Laird just waiting to claim his Lady???? Not me, and I bet you can't either.
On a personal note, my son is home on leave from the Army and I am very happy to have him here, even if it is only for 13 days! I'll take it. He deploys May 30th to his next post where he will stay until his unit is sent overseas.
This past weekend my family and I participated in the One Year Survivor Walk for the Cancer Society as I am just that. A one year survivor of colon cancer. The teams that walked (Relay for Life) raised money for a very worthy cause and deserve a huge round of kudos for all they do. I know I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the support of my family, my friends, and my doctors and nurses. All had a hand in keeping me moving forward last year when I was too tired to go on.
But let's not get maudlin, it's time for celebration. For all of you writers out there, keep the fingers flying on the keyboards and for all you readers, go check out my Bookshelf. Lots of good reading there to keep you busy.
Take care all. Happy May! Patti
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Spring Has Sprung!
Hey everyone, first and foremost my apologies for not keeping up to date better with all of you. Life reared it's ugly head and I am just now getting back on track. I am delighted to say I signed my fifth contract two weeks ago with Devine Destinies, an offshoot of eXtasy Books. I was thrilled when after only 21 hours from submission the publisher Tina Haveman called to say she wanted to pubish The Captains Wench. Of course I said yes. (G) The Captains Wench is an updated version of The Ghost and Mrs Muir but sexier! I'll keep you all posted as soon as I know a pub date and have my cover. And I am doing edits for The Laird's Lady as we speak and will have those back to my editor by Thursday of this week. So I'm busy on this end and loving every minute of it.
And not sure where you all are located, but here in Michigan it is gorgeous outside. It's in the 70's and the tulips are popping up, the forsythias are in bloom and I can actually see the perennials poking out their heads from the gardens! I love it. Makes me want to be outside and not inside!
Also if you have a spare minute please stop by eBay and check out Brenda Novak's online auction for juvenile diabetes. She has the most amazing items up for bid and it is for a very, very worthy cause. The auction doesn't officially start til May 1st, but go now and make your wish list. I did (G)
Well back to work for me. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and week and month! Take care, Patti
And not sure where you all are located, but here in Michigan it is gorgeous outside. It's in the 70's and the tulips are popping up, the forsythias are in bloom and I can actually see the perennials poking out their heads from the gardens! I love it. Makes me want to be outside and not inside!
Also if you have a spare minute please stop by eBay and check out Brenda Novak's online auction for juvenile diabetes. She has the most amazing items up for bid and it is for a very, very worthy cause. The auction doesn't officially start til May 1st, but go now and make your wish list. I did (G)
Well back to work for me. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and week and month! Take care, Patti
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