Sunday, November 4, 2007

It's November, Brrrrrr

Well, another month has flown by and I can't say as I remember too much of it. Been very busy on this end. Had galleys for Take No Prisoners, edits on The Laird's Lady, and a great trip to Seattle for the Emerald City RWA Conference. Met so many nice people that made me feel right at home day one!!! The workshops were wonderful, lots of good information to put to use in my own writing and I had three appointments, 1 with an editor, 2 with agents and all three have asked for stuff from me. So my week is a busy one.

And if that isn't enough, my son Brian was accepted into the Army last Thursday. I am so proud of him and at the same time scared out of my wits. He leaves for boot camp in S Carolina on November 15th. We're having a big family dinner (an early Thanksgiving dinner) this Sunday for him to celebrate and also for family members to say farewell. Will feel weird without him here. He moved back home in July and now will be gone again. Rumor has it he will be home for Xmas!!!!

But they do grow up and fly the coop. Take care everyone til next post, Patti

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