Sunday, December 2, 2007

Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Well, I don't know where everyone else is living, but here in Michigan it is definitely a white wonderland. While I love snow, I really like it when I don't have to be out in it. (G) I'm perfectly fine admiring it from inside the warmth of my house! Right now it's not coming down but it really foggy outside.

I hope everyone is doing well this holiday season. I'm looking forward to Christmas with my family. My son will be arriving home for a holiday break from the Army Boot Camp and I know that means it's time to restock the frig. That boy can eat 8 times a day without coming up for air.

I hope you will all check back on December 15th when I'll have Gail Gaymer Martin guest blogging for the day. She is a very prolific author and a good friend. And if you are an aspiring writer, you need to check out Gail's newest release Writing the Christian Romance Novel. You can find it at her webiste

Until next time, take care and stay warm!


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